
Unlocking The Mysteries: How Ancient Fungi Shaped The Origins Of Christianity And Altered History

By Josh Shearer on 12/05/2023

Did mushrooms influence Christianity? Explore a radical theory that challenges our understanding of history.

Mushroom Cross


John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" delves into the philological aspects of ancient languages and their implications for understanding the Bible and the origins of Christianity​​. Allegro explores the interconnectedness of ancient Near Eastern religions, highlighting the human sense of dependency and the birth of religion from frustration and dependency on nature's overwhelming forces​​.

The Concept of Divine Knowledge

The book discusses the ancient belief in a heavenly source of wisdom and life, symbolized by the 'heavenly penis,' a metaphor for divine knowledge and the source of life-giving semen, equating the dream of man to become God​​. It suggests that under special circumstances, divine experiences were accessible, magnifying every sensation and offering a glimpse of omniscience and omnipotence​​.

The Role of Drug-Herbs in Mystical Experiences

Allegro asserts that religious mysteries involved the use of drug-herbs, particularly mushrooms, to attain divine experiences. These practices were shrouded in secrecy, known only to the chosen few within cultic mysteries​​. The book argues that these secrets were rarely written down, typically passed orally, and only documented in esoteric forms during times of necessity, such as the Jewish Revolt of AD 66​​.

Christianity and the Mushroom Cult

The book controversially proposes that the stories of the New Testament were a literary device to spread occult knowledge to the faithful, using the narrative of a rabbi named Jesus as a cover for deeper, mystical teachings. Allegro argues that this approach ultimately failed, leading to the persecution of Christians and a distortion of the original teachings​​.

The Amanita Muscaria: The Sacred Mushroom

Allegro identifies the Amanita muscaria, or Fly-Agaric, as the sacred mushroom, known for its powerful hallucinatory effects. He connects its use to ancient practices, suggesting its consumption led to enhanced perception and a sense of transcendent power​​.

Linguistic Bridges and the Origin of Religions

The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the linguistic roots of ancient texts to comprehend their true meanings. Allegro explores the idea that many religious names and concepts trace back to ancient Sumerian, providing a linguistic bridge between Indo-European and Semitic languages. This connection suggests a shared origin for various mythologies and religious practices​​.

The Impact of Sumerian Culture

Allegro posits that Sumerian culture, arising around 4000 BC, significantly influenced global civilization. He explores how Sumer's urban culture, economic systems, and religious practices laid the groundwork for future civilizations, including the development of written language​​.

The Evolution of Cuneiform and Writing

The book traces the evolution of cuneiform writing in Sumer, explaining how it adapted from pictorial representations to wedge-shaped symbols. It details the transition from sunbaked to oven-baked tablets for preserving important texts, illustrating the technological advancements in ancient record-keeping​​.


In conclusion, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" presents a radical reinterpretation of Christian origins, suggesting that early Christianity was influenced by ancient fertility cults and the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms in religious rituals. Allegro's study emphasizes the significance of understanding ancient languages and their etymologies to uncover the true nature of religious beliefs and practices.


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