Psilocybe Cubensis Penis Envy close up

Penis Envy

Common Names: Penis Envy


Penis Envy is a renowned variant of Psilocybe cubensis known for its unique morphology and potent psychoactive properties. This strain is characterized by its large, dense, and often contorted stems, with a distinct lack of a pronounced cap. It is believed to have originated from a mutation or selective breeding of the Amazonian P. cubensis, a theory supported by its unusual physical characteristics. The Penis Envy strain is particularly sought after in the psychedelic community for its strong effects, which are often described as intensely visual and spiritual.

Physical Characteristics


Bulbous, often lacking a pronounced umbo, smooth, bruise bluish when damaged.


Adnate to adnexed, close, initially light brown, darkening with maturity.

Cognitive Effects

Enhanced Creativity

Users report an increase in creative thought processes.

Psychoactive Effects


A profound sense of well-being and happiness.

Helps With


May alleviate symptoms of depression in some users.


Potential to help with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Potential Side Effects


Common, especially at the onset of effects.


Can occur, particularly in unfamiliar or uncomfortable settings.

Medicinal Chemistry

Look Alike Species

look alike species


Psilocybe tampanensis



Differences:Smaller, truffle-like appearance, less potent.

Mushroom Ratings


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  • A whole genome atlas of 81 Psilocybe genomes as a resource for psilocybin production.

  • The Psilocybe genus is well known for the synthesis of valuable psychoactive compounds such as Psilocybin, Psilocin, Baeocystin and Aeruginascin. The ubiquity of Psilocybin synthesis in Psilocybe has been attributed to a horizontal gene transfer mechanism of a ~20Kb gene cluster. A recently published highly contiguous reference genome derived from long read single molecule sequencing has underscored interesting variation in this Psilocybin synthesis gene cluster. This reference genome has also enabled the shotgun sequencing of spores from many Psilocybe strains to better catalog the genomic diversity in the Psilocybin synthesis pathway. Here we present the de novo assembly of 81 Psilocybe genomes compared to the P.envy reference genome. Surprisingly, the genomes of Psilocybe galindoi, Psilocybe tampanensis and Psilocybe azurescens lack sequence coverage over the previously described Psilocybin synthesis pathway but do demonstrate amino acid sequence homology to a less contiguous gene cluster and may illuminate the previously proposed evolution of psilocybin synthesis.
